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But first, What is Bayesian Statistics?

If not already clear, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a tool for implementing Bayesian analyses. Pardon me? If that doesn’t make sense, please stay with me; otherwise, please skip ahead.

Bayesian statistics is just an alternative paradigm to how students are usually first taught statistics, called Frequentist Statistics.

While some might debate you on this, a common perspective is that neither Bayesian nor Frequentist statistics is necessarily better; what’s most important is one recognizes that they are different in implementation but, more importantly, different in their philosophy, the nuances of which will not be covered here. While Frequentist vs Bayesian Statistics is an important discussion, it is also not something you can knock out in 5 minutes. For an extremely brief comparison, see the table below on the difference in Frequentist vs. Bayesian statistics.


Comparison Table
Bayesian vs. Frequentist Statistics
Answer givenProbability of the observed data given an underlying truthProbability of the truth given the observed data
Population parameterFixed, but unknownProb. distribution of values
Outcome measureProbability of extreme results, assuming null hypothesis (P value)Posterior probability of the hypothesis
WeaknessesLogical inconsistency with clinical decision-makingSubjectivity in priors' choice; complexity in PKPD modeling
StrengthsNo need for priors; well-known methodsConsistency with clinical decision-making
PKPD applicationGood estimates with large dataAdaptation of data to individuals

(Introna, Michele, et al, 2022)1


What is MCMC?

MCMC - for the sake of keeping things simple - is a means of sampling a target distribution to arrive at empirical posterior marginal distributions for our parameters of interest, where the target distribution is the distribution that we assume the population response to be following. What’s Notable about MCMC is that it does not require an envelope to sample the target distribution due to the Markov property. In addition, with MCMC, we can arrive at empirical posterior marginal distributions for the parameters of interest without needing conjugate priors.

Practically, this means there is ample software people can use to do Bayesian analysis using MCMC without needing to know the statistical theory that allows for it to work in the first place. With regard to reducing barriers to entry, this is a big deal! However, understanding how algorithms work is crucial! It helps data scientists make informed decisions about the choice of models and algorithms, ensuring the robustness and accuracy of their analyses. Moreover, Understanding the underlying mechanics of MCMC also aids in diagnosing convergence issues and interpreting the results correctly.

Now, on with the post!



The purpose of this post is to demonstrate how to implement the Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm from scratch for a multiple linear regression.

The First implementation will be designated implementation (a); after that, I will add more complexity but also realism in implementations (b) through to (c), mirroring something closer to canned software such as Jags and BUGS. Let’s break down some of the first steps.


MCMC Outline

  1. Sample a candidate value from a proposal distribution .
  2. Compute the Metropolis-Hastings ratio , where

Note that is always defined, because the proposal can only occur if and . 3. Sample a value for according to the following:

  1. Increment and return to step 1.

(Givens and Hoeting, 2006)2


Writing our first MCM for implementation (a)

  1. Read in Data
  2. Write our own Sample Function
  3. Specify Likelihood Function
  4. Use Optimisation to Get Starting Values
  5. Specify Prior Function
  6. Specify Posterior Function

Once these five steps are completed, we can begin to write the MCMC algorithm.

1. Reading in the Data

dat = read.csv(here("data","bodyfat.csv"));n = nrow(dat)
y = dat[,1]; X = as.matrix(cbind(Int = rep(1,n),dat[,-1]))
p = ncol(X); n.s = 100000; k = p - 1; ee = 1e-16
par_names <- c(paste0("beta_", 0:13),"sigma_sq")


The data is on the percent body fat for 252 adult males, where the objective is to describe 13 simple body measurements in a multiple regression model; the data was collected from Lohman, T, 19923 .

Potential Predictors of Body Fat - Data from Lohman, T, 1992
1. Age (years)8. Thigh (cm)
2. Weight (pounds)9. Knee (cm)
3. Height (inches)10. Ankle (cm)
4. Neck (cm)11. Extended biceps (cm)
5. Chest (cm)12. Forearm (cm)
6. Abdomen (cm)13. Wrist (cm)
7. Hip (cm)

2. Write our own Sample Function

Later, we will need a function to summarise the results from the posterior distributions, see samp.o.

samp.o <- function(t.s) {
    c(mean = mean(t.s),
      sd = sd(t.s),
      lower = quantile(t.s, 0.025, names = F),
      upper = quantile(t.s, 0.975, names = F)), digits = 6)

Now we have our data, we need to specify a Likelihood Function.


3. Specify Log-Likelihood Function

Because we have a numerical response, it is reasonable to assume that our population resposne is normally distributed:

Note, that we are using Log Likelihood for numerical precision.

llike <- function(pars) {
  beta <- pars[1:(length(pars)-1)]
  sigma_sq <- max(pars[(length(pars))],ee)
  sum(log(dnorm(y, mean = X %*% beta, sd = sqrt(sigma_sq))))}

Next, we need to get estimates to use as our starting values as MCMC is sent to where they start chains for each parameter.


4. Use Optimisation to Get Starting Values

par0 = c(mean(y),rep(0,p-1),3)
opt <- optim(par = par0,fn = llike,method = "BFGS",
             hessian = TRUE,control = list(fnscale=-1))
np <- length(opt$par)
-17.8 0.057 -0.086 -0.037 -0.43 -0.018 0.89 -0.196 0.236 -0.021 0.167 0.157 0.429 -1.47 15.1


These estimates are very similar to what you get with coef(lm(y ~ ., data = dat))


5. Specify Prior Function

Using the Jeffreys prior (an improper prior), we can implement a Random Walk Chain with Metropolis-Hastings Markov Chain Monte Carlo to sample the Normal target distribution where Jeffreys prior is defined as

which we can write in code simply as

lprior <- function(pars) {sigma_sq = max(pars[np],ee); log(1 /(sigma_sq))}


6. Specify Posterior Function

The Posterior distribution is defined as

where the posterior is simply the prior times the likelihood, while on a log scale, it is simply addition, hence:

lpost <- function(pars) llike(pars) + lprior(pars)

Implementation (a)

We will start off with a simpler implementation, which we will denote Implementation (a) with manual scaling, Single Chain, Burn-in, No thinning, and a Jeffrey’s Prior.

First, I will present the code and then explain the details see the foldable code chunk (a), below (Note: the box below is a folded code chunk; click the arrow to expand )

To start, Implementation (a) uses Jeffrey’s Prior, which is an improper, vague prior; it is improper because its integral does not sum to 1, which is a requirement for valid PDFs. However, its density function is proportional to the square root of the determinant of the Fisher information matrix:

As already stated, Jeffrey’s Prior is vague prior, which is also known as a flat, or non-informative prior. Vague priors are guaranteed to play a minimal role in the posterior distribution.

We are using the multivariate normal distribution with rmvnorm to generate proposal values for each of the parameters, and scaling the variance covariance matrix C by scale_par to help adjust the acceptance ratio towards the optimal acceptance rate of 23.4 that holds for inhomogeneous target distributions (Roberts and Rosenthal, 2001)4.

For Implementation (a), we get an acceptance ratio of 0.2267; this was achieved in part by manually choosing scale_par to get an acceptance ratio closer to the target of 0.234.

Below, we can print our results

Parameters Mean SD Lower Upper
beta_0 -18.043 20.961 -58.974 23.104
beta_1 0.057 0.031 -0.003 0.118
beta_2 -0.087 0.058 -0.200 0.029
beta_3 -0.035 0.166 -0.356 0.290
beta_4 -0.431 0.222 -0.868 0.009
beta_5 -0.015 0.096 -0.201 0.175
beta_6 0.889 0.085 0.719 1.052
beta_7 -0.194 0.139 -0.470 0.075
beta_8 0.241 0.138 -0.026 0.512
beta_9 -0.025 0.234 -0.492 0.433
beta_10 0.166 0.212 -0.251 0.585
beta_11 0.155 0.162 -0.162 0.470
beta_12 0.429 0.187 0.068 0.805
beta_13 -1.484 0.509 -2.490 -0.498
sigma_sq 16.156 1.476 13.479 19.295


The posterior distribution is what we get out of a Bayesian analysis; we get one distribution for each parameter, Not, a single point estimate, as is the case with frequentist statistics. Hence see beta_3 Posterior below.

Thus, We can plot the posterior distribution for Weight (), in which case we can see that the mode of the distribution is similar to the mean point estimate presented in the table above (-0.036).

Next in Implementation (b), instead of using a Jeffries Prior, we can create priors_list, and specify a prior for each parameter.

Implementation (b)

Notice we print a summary table of the posterior distributions, the point estimates we get our different from Implementation (a). Note, we also get a different acceptance rate of 0.227.

Parameters Mean SD Lower Upper
beta_0 -17.891 20.698 -57.690 23.028
beta_1 0.056 0.030 -0.003 0.116
beta_2 -0.086 0.058 -0.197 0.028
beta_3 -0.037 0.167 -0.363 0.289
beta_4 -0.435 0.222 -0.871 -0.005
beta_5 -0.017 0.098 -0.208 0.176
beta_6 0.891 0.084 0.726 1.055
beta_7 -0.195 0.138 -0.469 0.075
beta_8 0.233 0.138 -0.041 0.498
beta_9 -0.020 0.232 -0.472 0.433
beta_10 0.171 0.207 -0.231 0.575
beta_11 0.159 0.162 -0.155 0.474
beta_12 0.432 0.188 0.053 0.797
beta_13 -1.480 0.499 -2.459 -0.499
sigma_sq 16.226 1.465 13.655 19.338

The next layers of complexity we will add for Implementation (c) are thinning, multiple chains, and Adaptive Scaling.

Implementation (c)

Parameters Mean SD Lower Upper
beta_0 -17.626 20.845 -58.742 23.601
beta_1 0.057 0.030 -0.002 0.116
beta_2 -0.085 0.058 -0.198 0.028
beta_3 -0.035 0.167 -0.364 0.295
beta_4 -0.434 0.222 -0.875 0.001
beta_5 -0.018 0.097 -0.204 0.177
beta_6 0.891 0.083 0.727 1.052
beta_7 -0.198 0.138 -0.469 0.072
beta_8 0.236 0.137 -0.033 0.502
beta_9 -0.027 0.231 -0.476 0.417
beta_10 0.169 0.207 -0.236 0.576
beta_11 0.156 0.163 -0.162 0.478
beta_12 0.429 0.188 0.059 0.802
beta_13 -1.472 0.499 -2.462 -0.505
sigma_sq 16.086 1.503 13.408 19.228

Notice that the point estimate we get from the samp.o of our posterior distributions is again different from Implementation (a) and Implementation (b). Note, the acceptance rates for the three chains where 0.109, 0.182, and 0.107.


Thinning is a process that is done to help reduce the autocorrelation present in the chains; if there is severe autocorrelation, then the results are not usable for inference. Autocorrelation in the chains is usually diagnosed with an autocorrelation plot. Looking at the autocorrelation for (c), we can see that there is still some concerning autocorrelation (we want almost no spikes for the first half dozen lags); thus, via bumping up the argument thinning to be something higher than 20, say 40, we might resolve the issue of autocorrelation.

old_par <- par()
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 2.5, 2),font.lab = 2)
xacf <- list()
for (i in 1:4){
xacf[[i]] <- acf(mcmc.out$chains[[1]][, i], plot = FALSE)
plot(xacf[[i]]$lag,xacf[[i]]$acf, type = "h", xlab = "Lag",ylab = "Autocorrelation", ylim = c(-0.1, 1),cex.lab = 1.3, main = par_names[i], cex.main = 1.5)
Description of Image
Autocorrelation Plot for (c): 1 chain, first four parameters

Mixing of Chains

With adding multiple chains, we have just added an extra loop (in this case, iterating over j) to repeat the same sampling procedure for each chain. The traceplots below show good mixing for the first four parameters. If the respective traceplots for each parameter show good mixing of chains, this indicates that the MCMC algorithm converged, and given no problems of autocorrelation, the results are usable for inference.

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Traceplot for (c): 3 chains, first four parameters

For reference, the image below shows a good mixing of the first chain, indicating convergence, while chain 2 initially shows the chain has not converged until around iteration 1500 and chain 3 never converges. However, a caveat of this plot is that the chains are on different plots. Ideally you want to use a traceplot that shows all chains for a respective parameter on the same plot. Hence, the word mixing is referring to the fuzzy caterpillar-looking image shown in Traceplot for (c)

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(Taboga, Marco, 2021)5


When are MCMC results usable?

If MCMC did not converge, the results are not usable; results are also not usable if there is high autocorrelation shown in the autocorrelation plot.

Adaptive Scaling

Adaptive Scaling is a hand-off approach to adjusting a scaling term (which I named scale_par i the code), which in terms scales the variance-covariance matrix C. The purpose of this scaling is specific to the accept-reject methodology inherent in Metropolis-Hastings MCMC. As there is no knowing what the Acceptance rate will be before running the algorithm as the process is stochastic and is subject to your data, likelihood, and priors. Notice in Implementation (a) we set scale_par, but in practice, this involved rerunning MCMC multiple times adjusting scale_par each run, trying to get an acceptance rate close to the ideal acceptance rate of 0.234. As shown in MCMC Acceptance Rate Scale Parameter for (c).

Now we are adjusting scale_par dynamically based on the acceptance rate of the proposals during the sampling process. The idea is to increase scale_par if the acceptance rate is too high (indicating that the chain is making too many small, cautious steps) and decrease it if the acceptance rate is too low (indicating that the chain is making too many large, risky steps). scale_par is adapted during the burn-in period. The adaptation is based on the difference between the current acceptance rate and the target acceptance rate (target_acc_rate of 0.234). The learning_rate controls the speed of adaptation. After the burn-in period, the scale_par remains constant for the rest of the sampling. This approach should help achieve a better balance between exploration and exploitation in the parameter space, improving the efficiency of the MCMC chain.

However, there is a caveat: after burn-in, scale_par is no longer being adjusted, and yet the acceptance rate continues to drift below 0.0234 until each of the chains converges. Perhaps you might think to yourself, “Then why don’t you leave scale_par to be adjusted after burn-in as well, then our acceptance rate will still hover close to 0.234”; no doubt some readers will know the answer. We can’t continue to adjust scale_par after burn-in, or we would be breaking the Markov Property subsequently, making our results theoretically invalid; moreover, the chains might never converge if C was continually adjusted by scale_par.

The Markov Property

One of the fundamental properties of MCMC algorithms is the Markov property, which states that the next state of the chain depends only on the current state and not on how it arrived there.

Hence, adaptive scaling is not perfect; although we can lift the acceptance rate from minuscule digits below 0.001 to above 0.1 (see the top right plot of MCMC Acceptance Rate Scale Parameter for (c)), we still don’t land within a very close distance of the ideal acceptance rate of 0.234. Really, what we have achieved is giving the chains a better starting location post-burn-in in terms of acceptance rates so that when it does converge, it’s hopefully a stone’s throw away from 0.234. From my research, other Adaptive scaling methods have the same problem (see RAM).

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MCMC Acceptance Rate Scale Parameter: iterations 0 to 3000 and 0 to 100000


A more popular method for Adaptive scaling is Robust Adaptive Metropolis (RAM). However, to avoid the need for Adaptive Scaling altogether, Gibbs Sampling is another very popular MCMC procedure that uses conditioning to avoid an acceptance rate and, subsequently, the need for Adaptive Scaling.


All of the code is available in the directory content/scripts/Metropolis_Hastings_MCMC_from_Scratch at my repo, with bonus content of implementations (d), and (e).


  1. Introna, Michele, et al, 2022

  2. Givens and Hoeting, 2006

  3. Lohman, T, 1992

  4. Roberts and Rosenthal, 2001

  5. Taboga, Marco, 2021